Felicia Isabella
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Every human carries within them an untold story…

…quietly abiding in the tissues of the body, burrowed deep inside the innermost confines of the mind.

A story waiting to be shared, witnessed, received, and embraced in it’s totality.

And we love a good hero’s journey.

We are drawn to epic sagas & evocative tales of triumph that follow a character’s journey through an ark of experience — each moment provoking our own journey inward to an uninhibited landscape rich in emotion.

Stories take us on a passage from the throws of internal conflict and confusion, through a catalyzing transformation, and into a powerful, undeniable expression of realized potential (i.e. life upgrades).

What makes these stories — these journeys — so magnetizing? So alluring to us?

They are a mirror of our inner wold.

We see ourselves in them.

They illustrate a journey of reclamation, inviting us to embrace the parts of ourselves that we’ve cast out or deemed unworthy, so we can bring those parts into the light of truth to be known in the highest expression of Self.

They are a mirror of our unlimited potential to transform our reality, from the INSIDE out.

And something inside of us knows the truth — that transformation is possible for us too.

But the crevice between a feeling of struggle and a feeling of fulfillment can feel vast, teeming with recurring doubts, analysis paralysis, endless comparison, and non-stop action prompted by the grip of fear or lack.

So I extend a hand to you, an invitation to come on a journey with me, friend.

It’s time to close the gap…

And remember the TRUTH of who and what you are.



Journeys are a 60-minute guided audio experience — an energetic transmission imbedded with living wisdom that will meet you in the shadows, take you through a process of self-liberation, and witness you step into the essence of who you’ve always been.

Simply put, a guided journey takes you out of an energetic state of contraction (stressed, triggered, overwhelmed, emotionally drained, or stuck) and into an open, receptive, intuitive, expansive energetic state.


You can think of it as receiving a deeply transformative 1-1 session…between you, your Higher Self, and Source/God/Universe

After all, you are everything…the inner child, the healer, the soul, the wisdom keeper, the whole Universe itself. Sometimes we humans just need a loving nudge to remember ;)

This journey offers a bridge between worlds, illuminating an inward path from struggle and hardship to inter-connected love and fulfillment, so you can finally create the life you were born for.


For those who have ever experienced…

-fear to act on your dreams (caught in information overload, analysis paralysis, or comparison)

-burnout: taking non-stop action from an unsustainable, mis-aligned, under-resourced place in order to achieve results

-the “healing trap”: feeling like healing is endless, to the point where healing starts to feel bigger than living

-glimpses of the best version of you, but your emotions always seem to catch up with you and bring you back into familiar patterns


If you’re reading this…A NEW WAY IS ALREADY IN MOTION FOR YOU!


Your Journey Care Package Includes

-Pre-Journey Preparation Video

-60 Minute Guided Audio Journey Experience

-Post Journey Integration Journal Prompts & Practices (PDF)


You will be gently guided through 3 phases…


How a guided journey will benefit your life

  • Release creative blocks & open to receive inspired ideas & divine guidance from your Higher Self

  • Find peace and trust in the “in-between” — the space between an idea & it’s materialization into form

  • Become a magnet for opportunities that align with your heart and attract synchronistic experiences

    (it’s all a game of vibratory resonance)

  • Release the habit of taking action from urgency & lack — re-establish your body’s natural rhythm and pacing so you can take abundant action

  • Settle an anxious mind & begin to heal your emotional body

  • Remember how to give yourself the gift of compassion and loving kindness for greater ease in life

  • Surrender the struggle (the resistance, fear, & lack that are keeping you stuck in life) and get to know what it is to rest in an open-hearted state of love (the readiness state for divine creatorship)

  • Shift out of a feeling of isolation or separateness & into a feeling of greater connection with

    Love/God/Source/Universal Intelligence

    * these are all natural bi-products when we shift out of fear & lack and into a field of inter-connected love *


Take a bold step forward on the path of embodied awakening


Guided Journey

Fear to Love



*Refund Policy: Due to the inherent nature of educational products and the electronic transmission of sale, all sales are final for this offering.

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