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“I can't even begin to describe how much Felicia has changed and impacted my life. Every session is a completely new experience and it's what I look forward to each and every week. I've been healing from chronic mold exposure and healing my emotional trauma with Felicia, has ALSO improved my physical symptoms! I just love that she's the perfect blend between professional and relatable. Felicia just gives off that best friend energy that allows you to feel so comfortable to tell her ANYTHING that is going on in your life so that you can finally process, transform, and heal. As a therapist, she has also taught me so many valuable lessons on how to hold space through how kind, calm, and patient she is able to hold space for me. So if you're on the fence about working with her - let this be your sign to DO IT. Working with Felicia was the best decision I ever made and she has absolutely changed my life for the better. I feel so lucky that I can rely on her when I need her most. Thank you Felicia!”

Shaina Hughes

RTT Therapist/Breathwork/Sound Healer

“The vulnerability of the group was contagious and we all spoke open heartedly. You had precise intuition about how to guide us, probed with loving support and exactitude like no other.  Your skills impeccable, perfect wording related to your intuition and perfect wording when it related to our emotions and how emotions work within ourselves in general. I learned things we didn’t know about emotions, and you made sense of things.

I let down the walls that I didn’t even know were there. I let in all that I could. And tears came flooding in from my soul. Like a cascade that I couldn’t stop. It burned me but along also came this flood of loovvvvve like I had never known before. This blisss of volcano of lava of love that came from within to my throat. And suddenly my entire body was filled with a joy and bliss and a feeling of levity and lightness like I had never known. 

And then I no longer felt my body. I felt as though I de-materialized. And all I could feel was this overwhelming energy and love that enveloped me and my entire being. And then I was that love. And then I looked up and the universe de-materialized and I was everything and everything was me. And I became one with everything and everything was one. No barriers, no body, just pure energy or spirit or whatever it was. Timelessness eternity in a blink of an eye. And a bliss like nothing that could ever be compared.

And I then understood everything everything.

That we are energy/ spirit in a vessel and not the other way around…”

Stephanie Bell May


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“Felicia is truly a unique and gifted healer. She provided a grounded and loving space for us to explore some of the parts of my system that needed healing & resource.  Just being in her presence felt like a safe space to explore. In addition to her energetic healing capabilities, she also has an amazing ability to explain her healing framework in understandable and clear language. I walked away not only with a full heart, but with a new and deeper understanding of how my energetic system works. I feel so profoundly grateful to have found her along my journey, and I plan to continue working with her as a part of my personal healing regimen. She is a gift to me and anyone who gets the chance to work with her!!”

Erin Rector 

Writer & Strategic Communications Consultant

“Let me start by saying Felicia is a gift to anyone who works with her. I started with her 6 months ago.  I've seen a huge transformation in myself.  She is incredibly gifted and I can try to explain my experience but I think that whoever is reading this just needs to schedule a few sessions to be able to experience it yourself. It's an investment in self and there is nothing better in this world than to invest in yourself.  It impacts every other aspect of your life, relationships and well being to have the tools and guidance to realizing your own potential, finding peace, clarity, and being able to view the world from a different lens.

I've gone from lack of focus being so out of my body, easily stressed, unable to connect with people, incredibly hazy before I saw Felicia.  The best way I can describe it is like being in a perpetual thick fog but sometimes you've been living in it so long it becomes the only thing you know.  Felicia helped me step outside of that to bring me to a different level of awareness.

Having seen her has been a monumental part of my shift. I am still on my journey and I cannot express how much lighter, more focused, present, and peaceful I feel. My ability to connect with people on a different level has been a beautiful thing to see transpire.  Just completely opposite of when I look back to myself six months ago.  Each time I walk out of a session I feel different in a good way.  I always look forward to my next session with her.  It's powerful & empowering, just do it and invest in yourself.  It will be one of the best decisions you'll look back on.”

Elizabeth Yu


“Felicia is a true gift to this world. Her welcoming, calming presence combined with her intuitive innate wisdom that she so eloquently shares make her one of the best healers and coaches I've come in contact with. I've had 1:1 time with Felicia as well as participated in group workshops where she was able to invite the entire group to participate, learn and grow with ease. She has a way of guiding you deeper into yourself, making discovering and allowing you to become aware of what you truly feel while providing a safe container in which to do so and the support to heal and blossom. Working with her is empowering, it's liberating, it's incredibly valuable as she has a gift of being able to see what you can't on your own as she guides you to not only feeling, but healing. I highly recommend Felicia for 1:1 work as well as workshops - this work is powerful!”

Jenny Scholl

Impact Consultant

“Working with Felicia has been a joy. I leave each session centered, grounded, and clear.  Here guidance is specific to where I am in the work that I want to accomplish in my personal and spiritual development and in my work life. She meets me where I am in each session, leading me to look more deeply and find more insight into what resources I have within and into how to get out of my own way when necessary. Basically, her highly developed spiritual abilities and good sense enliven my growth by encouraging me to meet myself with supportive, nonjudgmental, clear-eyed and detailed view she is naturally holding.” 

Carolyn Hudson

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“Felicia is a mystical powerhouse who is absolutely passionate about supporting the highest in others. She courageously walks within the Great Unknown to gather the "High" wisdom and has the insight to effectively bring it into this world.  Felicia has the ability to see what is both consistently present and rarely consciously witnessed, grab the tails of those elusive critters, and offer her presence in order to liberate them energetically and facilitate their reorganization into beautiful new arrangements.”

Stacy Gardner


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“Felicia is a spiritual healer who has many gifts! She has brought awareness to the parts of myself that I have kept hidden for so long. Parts of myself that I love. She's shown me how to trust myself and my intuition, to find my voice, to step into my power, and to cultivate gifts of my own. She has been a near and dear friend to my heart for years. She is kind, passionate, compassionate, understanding, and trustworthy. I have done both workshops and one on one sessions with her. I continue to do monthly sessions with her. I always leave with clarity and presence. Feeling lighter and grounded. I can't express how much this girl has done for me on my journey. I just love her!!!”

Jacqueline Loucks


“I have had 1:1 sessions with Felicia for about a month and a half now and feel 100% like a new person. Felicia has an incredible way of making you feel so comfortable that I can work through the toughest emotions. Prior to seeing her I was taking a whole medicine cabinet of pills and supplements just to get through the day, now I have My energy and my life back. Thank you Felicia, you are an angel on earth!”

Erin Norris


“Felicia has a deep gift. She’s not only very well cultivated in her ability to bring awareness to others blind spots but she does it with a gentle yet powerful love. In just 1 session with her, I felt relieved, light, and excited. The shift from just that one session with her was dramatic and profound. Probably equivalent to a week of personal meditation and clearing. If you're looking for clarity, healing, resolution, peace, joy - go spend some time with Felicia, she holds a powerful presence and space for clearing and she guides you through to make it easy to navigate.”

Jason Hernstad 

Contract COO

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“Felicia impresses me with her ability to articulate that which is complex. Her sense of timing and patience with what arises cultivate a trust that allows even my highest guards to relax. In her sessions, my most vulnerable pieces feel held through her sensitivity and deep understanding of complicated human emotions. Through the process of her support, profound and permanent change that I was not able to attain before has taken place. I am forever grateful.

I also attended one of her first workshops. I was impressed by her skills in reading and leading a group. Moment by moment, she effortlessly adjusts to the needs of the group. She knows just where the group's attention needs to be and is skilled in getting them there. Her workshop experiences invited attendees to take a deep dive into what was occurring in their inner world. This invitation allowed many of us to see something in ourselves that we had not seen before. She was able to showcase a newly attained awareness for one in a way that allowed it to be a newfound awareness for all. The workshop was incredibly insightful and helped me to see myself in new ways. I am a big fan of her!”

Holly Gillard

Project Manager

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“Felicia is a powerful guide that holds utmost compassionate, loving, and non judgemental space. She has a deep dedication to being of service and helping others. I felt her heart's dedication in every session we did together, and it made me feel safe, open, and at ease.

In our work together Felicia has helped me recognize the parts of me that had been navigating the world through the lens of old survival patterns, outdated beliefs, and limiting ideas about reality. She then guided me, with such kindness and care, toward greater healing and integration.

Each session felt totally different, as she used a combination of energy work, coaching, and her unique intuitive gifts to meet me exactly where I was at that moment in time. After each session I felt lighter, freer, and more joyful. I feel excited for more people to experience a true gift that Felicia is, and all the magic she has to share with the world.”

Sofya Gaya


“Felicia is an incredible person and has a deep passion for helping others. The first time I met with her she made me feel so comfortable, relaxed, and at ease. We immediately connected and the next few times we met she was able to gently guide me into my own personal healing. Her ability to spread awareness and love is truly magical. I look forward to every interaction with Felicia and always leave feeling lighter than when I walked in. She has an amazing gift and lots of love to share.”

Katie Underwood 
